Happy Friday my friends
Today video (on my blog at www.frenchiestamps.com) you will see how easy it is to use the Dress Up Framelits #130101 to make a treat holder. With the framelits you will need a piece of card stock size 8-1/2 by 2-3/4 fold in half. See video to cut out. Then for the little box you need a piece of 2-3/4 by 2-3/4 score all 4 side at 3/4 and again video will show you how to make the box. For the dress you can use embossing folder to give a lace look and dimension. It is quit simple.
Now I just got back late last night from camping for 6 days and now I have to get ready for the BIG Stamp sales tomorrow so if you are in Cheyenne area please come from from 7 am to noon I have 8 ladies selling at low low price so lots and lots of paper, ink, stamp and stamp and more accessories so it is worth the drive trust me on this one 🙂 hope to see many of you tomorrow at 7008 Aztec Dr Cheyenne WY
Plus lots happen when I was on vacation Holiday Single Stamps new for the Holidays info at the bottom, and many e-mail to answer if you send me a e-mail and I didn’t answer by mid day today please resend it must a got in the junk or deleted by mistake. Thank YOU all for your support.
Till next time happy stampin!

To view all the single stamp, price and order click on the picture. Remember to enter code if you choose to place order this mystery host end today!

Here a few picture of the Family Camping trip. It was great, beautiful Flaming Gorge UT/WY what a pretty place and great memories with the family. We did a little of every thing, boating, camping, climbing, fishing…. Life is good!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzIrIFItWeI?rel=0]
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What beautiful country and wonderful memories you will have! Love the framelit dresses too, so cute! Give Shadow a hug for me :)!