Hello Friends,
Exciting to say school is out that bring Frenchie in the craft room lots more….. so excited to have more time in here and do what I love and sharing with all of you! Today video is to show how simple and easy it is to use the NEW Ruffle Stretch Trim on page 173 and come in all new 5 in color. Here the supplies I use for this card
- Coastal Cabana Ruffle Stretch trim #130024
- Coastal Cabana and White card Stock
- Silver Glimmer paper #134005
- Rhinestones #119246
- Framelits Oval Collection #129381
- Fancy Fan embossing folder #127751
- Punch Bitty butterfly #128406 25
- Stamp set Feel Good page
This is it for this lovely card. Now the lucky winner for the Mystery Host is……Schelly Getting from CA. Congrats Schelly! you won 80.00 of free product of your choice I will call you today so get your wish list ready 🙂 Thank you to all who participate.
Now for today I will start this summer on a good note and get a hair cut before the dog catcher catch me and put me in the pound…. I look like a shaggy dog that the owner didn’t take care of him for months HA! Then the fun will begin in my craft room. You all have a great day!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdcsGYdcZDs]
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Such a pretty and elegant card! Thanks for the tips.
Ter 😉