Good Day Friends
Today card was inspired to my by ??? well I got a card in the mail like this one and the minute I saw it I said this will be perfect for some thank you card well that was last fall and now I can NOT find the card to see who it was from…. so embarrass so if it YOU can you e-mail me so I can give you the credit plus what I’m afraid is when I was sending my thank you note that I pick the one that I got and send it off That would be me I guess…. Well if I found out or if my memory kick in I will tell you who got me inspired for this card. Okay here what I use the designer pack of the in color #126910, the Mixed Bunch stamp set on page 94 plus the punch Blossom # 125603. The Thank You is from the set Perfectly Penned on page 133. Well this is it for now and till tomorrow Happy Stamping’

PS Last night was my team meeting and I always give then a challenge and last month was using the canvas on page 21 of the spring catalog and most of them then said it was a challenge for them but WOW we got some awesome cards I will try hard to have them posted tomorrow.
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These cards are nice. I love this stamp/punch set.