Hello my Friends
OH! Yes another snow day today….Love it we got over a 2 feet of snow. Yes that is lots and lots for mid April way more then this winter and last winter combine I think 🙂 So I will extend my deal for Free Card kit all day today so if you miss my snow day spacial yesterday you in luck just like me with the snow day. More info at the bottom with the Mystery Host 30.00 and still counting :0
Today card is my Thank YOU card that I will send out for yesterday and today online order 🙂 If you wish to get one in the mail from ME just place an online order and I will have one in the mail just for YOU. The Fan Fair Designer Paper is so lovely to make kinda of vintage card. See the top is kind of simple and look at the second picture the 2 little tail that I added how much it dress the card up. So what to do with scrap make little tail to dress up your card 🙂 Here the supplies that I use
- Fan Fair Designer Paper #126918
- Card Stock: Very Vanilla, Sahara Sand and some I added some Inland Indigo
- Stamp sets: Itty Bitty Banner page 134, Stippled Blossoms page 78
- Framelits Bitty Banners #129267
- Square Lattice Embossing Folder #119976
This is why I’m having another snow day so will keep the special on for today 🙂
That my son keeping up with the driveway well the front of it 🙂
EXTENDED for one more day ONLY Due to another Snow day! to celebrate School closure for Cheyenne YES SNOW DAY I will send out a KIT of 4 cards, all ready for you to assemble all pre-cut, butterflies punch out, dress pre punch…. all ready for you to assemble PLUS I will send you 4 envelopes with the kit, so the only thing you will have to do is stamp a greeting and assemble. This is with all order of 30.00 or more before tax and shipping will get a kit in the mail, that is on order place on my web store HERE and enter the hostess code 9XSFQAWT will get a kit to make 4 of the fun fold card, get enter in the give away of a family of 10 ink pads plus you will be enter for the Mystery host. So everyone is a winner on this snow day! Off from work so I have all day to get these kit ready. All kit will be mail by Friday 🙂

Give Away!!!! Yes that is correct a
full family on NEW ink pad. The Subtles Family of ink will be ship to a lucky winner 🙂 I have a few collection of ink duplicate that I didn’t even open so I will have a drawing this week and will announce when the next one will happen. You name will get enter in the drawing with all order of 24.00 of more on my web order
CLICK HERE TO SHOP or with a class in the mail. Yes the class in the mail count 🙂 But while I have this give away I will have a Mystery Host at the same time…Why not it’s just a code you have to enter for the mystery host. (Please Note that the mystery host is only for web order on my store NOT the class in the mail) So I will have 2 lucky winner one will get the hostess benefit
minimum of 30.00 of Stampin’Up! product of her or his choice and the other one will have
the Ink Family value at 49.95. The Hostess Code is
9XSFQAWT The big question where do you enter the code when you are on the page of your shopping bag on the left side you will see at the bottom where it say “Special Offer” the box that say “Do you have a hostess code” Look like this Do you have a hostess code? Enter it here and click Apply:
that is where you will enter 9XSFQAWT in that box To start SHOPPING click HERE
PS If your order is over 150.00 DO NOT en
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France, I received my blog candy in the mail and all my friends are jealous that I have a “Frenchie” card!! Thank you so much and can't wait to use the canvas.