What is the Sale a Bration? It’s FREE Stamps, Paper, Ribbon, Buttons, …..much more. In today video you will have a chance to see all the Stamp set and many product that you can choose from during sale a bration. With all 50.00 before tax and shipping (shop HERE) you pick one item from the sale a bration brochure, spend 100. get 2 it’s no limits. So with an order of 150.00 you get 3 sale a bration item of your choice PLUS a package of 12×12 silver glimmer paper (this is extra this year to celebrate Stampin’Up! 25th anniversary) plus the hostess benefits of 25.00 of product of your choice the more you buy the more FREE goodies you get. Sale a Bration is from Jan 22 to March 22-13 this year.
Now if you join my team during Sale a Bration YOU PICK Product up to 156.50 this is 25% more then before again this 25% extra is to celebrate Stampin’Up! anniversary. Here the most question that people ask me ONLY pay 99.00 and get product for 156.50 FREE Shipping.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
(Join my team)
·What am I getting for my $99.00?
o156.50 in merchandise of your choice from any of the active catalogs this amount is only till March 22nd 2013 after that it’s 125.00 if merchandise
oNo shipping charges, you only pay tax
·Stay Active or Not?
o$300 is all it takes to stay active on a calendar quarter
§Ie: if you sign up today, this quarter does not count.Your first quarter does not end until 6/30/2013.
·Do I have to host workshops?
oNo you do not have to host workshops
·Do I have to sell to other people?
oNo you do not have to sell to other people, you can be your own best customer
·What is my discount?
oAlways starts at 20% and can be as high as 40%
oIf you place an order during your first 45 days after signing up you will get an additional 10% discount on order of $150.00 or more
·New products
oBe the first to try new products in the new catalogs.
oYou can pre-order from the new catalogs and occasion catalog one month in advance
·Hostess Benefits
oIf your order qualifies for hostess benefits, you will receive them in addition to your 20% discount
·Business or Hobby?
othat decision is entirely up to you.
oA great way to make additional income doing what you love
·What if I do not meet the quarterly minimum?
oYou will be dropped as a demonstrator and you become my customer again
oThe merchandise is yours to keep!
·Were you a demonstator and want to re-join Stamping Up?
oIf you were a demonstrator under me and dropped you may rejoin my team immediately.
oIf you were a demonstrator under another upline and want to join my team you will need to wait 90 days after you dropped. So if you became inactive last July you can join NOW.
·Optional additions
oMonthly meetings, if you are out of town minutes are emailed to you
oMonthly challenge: I will provide you with an item from the catalog to make a card
oQuarterly swap: you make 12 cards and get 12 cards in return
oI am here for you….phone calls are returned within 24 hours
Please e-mail me or call if you have any question. It would be my pleasure to answer them and work with YOU. If you are ready to join just CLICK HERE then on the left side click on the Join NOW. I would love you have many many more on my team.
I added a new file for eassy ready and view click on picture to view update at 10 AM function run_pinmarklet1() { var e=document.createElement(‘script’); e.setAttribute(‘type’,’text/javascript’); e.setAttribute(‘charset’,’UTF-8′); e.setAttribute(‘src’,’http://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinmarklet.js?r=’+Math.random()*99999999); document.body.appendChild(e); } var flike = { url : “”, buttonType : “standard”, width : “450”, height : “25”, showFaces : “false” }http://orkut-share.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/flike.js
Frenchie, thanks so much for the video. It was so fun seeing you and felt like I was sitting across from you. I always enjoy your blog and all you share so generously.
Greetings from the East Coast! Just wanted to thank you for this video. It was most helpful. I have been following your blog and enjoying all of your videos for awhile now. Thanks for all that you do.
It's me Frenchie with a little accent. I love to share paper crafting. Want to know more about me. Click here to found out. Thank you for your visit.
Host Code & Customer Appreciation
September 1-30, 2024: Orders of $50.00 or more before tax and shipping placed on my online store with Hostess Code GEM7GSXP will qualify for this month’s download. This month’s PDF download includes the Regals Color Combinations: Forty Color Combos and Forty Cards in the download.
Live on YouTube Thursday Night at 6 pm Mountain time.
Join My Team
Paper Pumpkin
"I am an affiliate with Stamp-n-Storage which means I may get commissions if you click on links I provide and decide to purchase from this company. I love their products for organizing my stamping products, and I bet you will also." To view and order online, click on the image.
The content in this blog is the sole responsibility of France Martin as an Independent Stampin’ Up!® Demonstrator. The use of and content of classes, services or products offered is not endorsed by Stampin’ Up!®
“I am an affiliate with Stamp-n-Storage which means I may get commissions if you click on links I provide and decide to purchase from this company. I love their products for organizing my stamping products and I bet you will also.” To view and order online click on the image above.
Thank you for explaining the Sale-a-bration brochure. I think it was most confusing this time.
Frenchie, thanks so much for the video. It was so fun seeing you and felt like I was sitting across from you. I always enjoy your blog and all you share so generously.
Greetings from the East Coast! Just wanted to thank you for this video. It was most helpful. I have been following your blog and enjoying all of your videos for awhile now. Thanks for all that you do.