Hello Friends
   Is it just me…. but Monday come fast every week don’t you think? I bet many of you are excited for this Monday I bet you are OFF from work well not for me we do have school today and I bet many of my friends like Holly will text me over and over to rub it in that she’s stamping and I’m at work. Well I have to say I sure deserve it, so may time I’m off and she’s working I keep on on rubbing it in that I’m stamping so today I bet it will be pay back 🙂 To all who have the day off from work please stamps for me 🙂
 Well for this Masculine Monday I have a video. Someone ask me how to use the spritzer and I swear I have the info in another video but I couldn’t found it so I made another one but don’t walk away yet I have some great tip in this video on how to use the brayer on top of embossing card plus the best tip ever on how to use the embossing Woodgrain without having your card stock cracking. I would say this is a must see video for great tips. Now in the video you will see I use the Woodgrain embossing folder #127821, Brayer #102395, spritzer #107066, decorative label punch#120907, Aqua Painter #103954, Vellum Card Stock #101856. Card stock is Always Artichoke, Early Espresso, Crumb Cake and Very Vanilla. Inks are Always Artichoke and Early Espresso.  Voila this is it for this Monday enjoy and have a wonderful week. See ya tomorrow some place 🙂

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VYoYGvAf0s?rel=0]

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