Okay I’m so excited that I don’t even know where to start this post first let me tell you about the swing card with the Ornament Keepsakes  the bundle #129949 for wood or clear #129950 Please note that this video was made last month so the special that I mention in the video is NOT AVAILABLE ANY MORE SORRY  I found the video when I was cleaning my fills last week  and the card is still a great one for this season so I wanted to share it. We still can get the bundle but not with  the promotion. The top one I use Cherry Cobbler and the bottom one is Real Red with the DSP Candlelight Christmas. Plus the video is of focus a few place that is when I was trying new way to set up for the video but now I think I have a better set up. Well this is it for the card and video share again to view the video from e-mail post visit my blog at www.frenchiestamps.com Now scroll down to hear why I’m so flipping exciting……

 Okay now this is one of the exciting news yes this mess is very exciting 2 weeks ago I show you my craft room you can view it HERE when I was cleaning it. If you remember I told you the Brett (my husband) offer to make a counter top with cabinet well the project got started. First I have to pack lots and lots so I can move my desk on the other wall and empty all the wall where is the desk right now so he can start building the cabinet and counter top. So we started last night. I bet I will not sleep for a few days I’m busting of excitement!  This is not the only thing keep scrolling down…….

NOW we’re talking about the big EXCITEMENT!!!!!  See what the candle say “Day at the beach”…. next picture are flowers and coconut and pineapple that my hubby arrived home last night with all of this to celebrate….. well yesterday morning when I check my Stampin’Up! report this is what I found ” Congratulations! On 30-Nov-2012 you achieved the required points for the Grand Vacation!” I’m so excited for the first time ever I earn the big trip not at the last minute well last year was in March but before that was always in June we work for the incentive trip a year in advance like this spring 2013  Brett and I will go to Fiji and this one that I just earn is for spring 2014 and it’s a cruise on one of the biggest boat  the Royal Caribbean’s newest ship, Allure of the Seas®. to the Western Caribbean. This is all cause of  YOU my customer and fabulous Team member. Thank YOU for all your support, business and great team work! I can’t say it enough I appreciate all of YOU more then word can say. So starting tomorrow for a full week I will have daily blog candy so make sure you stop by each day to enter for a drawing. Now for a little FYI keep scrolling
FYI Do you know if you join Stampin’Up!/ My Team now you will be able to start shopping from the new Spring Catalog tomorrow (all month of December you can order from the NEW spring catalog in you are part of the team/Stampin’Up!) plus you will get the sale a bration goodies FREE for every 50.00 that is on month before customer can buy from the spring catalog and 52 days before they can get the FREE sale a bration. This is a big perk to be a demo. Right now if you join you get a family of 10 ink pad free plus you pick supplies up to 125.00 and only pay 99.00 and it’s FREE shipping. Contact me if you have any question or click HERE if you are ready to get your Stampin’Up! supplies at a discount price I would love to have YOU one the team.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4xQFGdIBRk?rel=0]

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