Did you notice my post was shorter then most post all this week….well work kill my eyes this week. I been learning a new program on the computer at work and many many extra hours at work so by the time I was getting home the last thing my eyes wanted to do was looking at the computer but my eyes was never to tired for stamping 🙂 so that was a great thing 🙂 I have to have all the data in by Monday and today I will not stay to long so I bet Monday will be another day that my eyes will pop out off the socket HA! I sure hope after I get the new program learn they will not change it again this year. Now with federal regulation and nutrition, – it involve so much documentation and paper work that soon they will ask us to weight the kid before they eat and after HA! It just getting crazy with all the nutrition fact and school meal. My only comment on this is it have to be supported at home to. Obesity is not just cause of the food school serve but mostly what is serve at home and way to much fast food. Okay enough of that stuff back to the fun stuff.  (just had to vent a little)

 Okay this beautiful card I learn this technique from my good stamping friend Kelly Acheson. It’s call Faux Patina and can you tell this is my colors and style so I LOVE IT. can you hear me out there I LOVE THIS technique. What you will need is a embossing folder I use Vintage Wallpaper #120175, ink Crumb Cake, Marina Mist, Always Artichoke, Early Espresso and Vera mark. Brayer #102395, Heat Tool #129053 and Gold Embossing Folder #109129. The card stock is Whisper White for this technique and for the card I use Marnia Mist, Early Espresso and Not Quite Navy. The Tanks if from the stamp set Perfect Punch page 120. Well my friends this is it for now and till next time (tomorrow) Happy stampin’

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX-bm0dvmpw?rel=0]

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