Happy Monday Y’All
Yes Monday bring the masculine card. Today I use the Great Outdoor page 69. I love anything out door and this set fit perfect. I sponge the card Crumb Cake for the dirt, Old Olive for the grass and bashful blue for the sky. I stamp the tent in Cherry Cobbler then I stamp the tent again on Vellum Card stock with Cherry Cobbler yes I use the classic ink then quick before it dry I put the clear embossing powder then emboss. I color the back of it. ( to see the video on how to color on vellum CLICK HERE) cut it out and I glue it on top of the tent that was stamp directly on the card. This is one that need to be seen in real life so much better. The greeting is from the set Curly Cute page 138. Well this wrap it up for this Masculine Monday. Have a great day.

Q&A: What is Founder Circle many ask. Founder Circle is the top 100’s demo for Stampin’Up! Founder Circle is base on personal, downline sales, promotion. So all the one that achieves this title need a well balance business. I sure didn’t made this title by myself. With my great team and customer I achieved this title this year. Thank you all. Talking about my wonderful team I always welcome new member so you should try it and see for yourself how fun it is to be part of this wonderful team. More info Click HERE or you can always contact me by phone or e-mail.
Why facebook if we are subscribe to your blog. Well my post just get deliver once a day and sometime Stampin’Up! add some special in the middle of the day and Face book is instant so this way you would have a better chance to see the special. To make sure you don;t miss nothing I would recommend that you subscribe to my blog on the right side and like my facebook page HERE. so this way will have all the info.
Did I made to the lake today YES did I bring my stamping with me OH! Yes. The weather was perfect today. It was a perfect outdoor day for sure.
Till showtime tomorrow Happy Stampin’
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Love this card!
I guess I didn't realize we had a tent stamp! Adorable here in red! Love your background! Thanks for explaining Founders Circle and congratulations on being one of 100!