Hello Monday!
Just a super quick post today. I barley can find the key board of my computer with the big mess I have on my desk. So today card is one that I did for Brett (my husband) Birthday last week . They spend the weekend on the lake so this fit right in for his birthday. I use the stamp set Need Speed and Perfect Punch. I use Midnight Muse, Riding Hood Red and White.
Well I hope I can clean my desk today and my craft room so I can create many new project that I saw at convention. This week will be a little crazy for me, Mick my son is in a soccer camp and it’s in Fort Collins so about one hour away and I’ll be driving him back and fort every day plus here in Cheyenne it’s Frontiers Day so I’m sure I will go see a rodeo or two but I did create many thing to share in the pass few weeks so i will have a new share everyday. The only problem my head is full on new thing that I want to make so I will be in my craft room every minute that I can spare in between all the activities. 🙂
Tomorrow is Showtime at Frenchie so make sure to stop by to see the lovely project.
Have a great Monday
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Fun card! Love that speeding boat!