Quick post while I’m on the run today
Fist I have to say sorry about the “ass” Tuesday I wanted to put add and if you look at the key board you will see how easy to make that typo it’s not the first time and I’m sure it’s not the last time 🙁 I do spell check and that word is spell correct 🙂 Many e-mail me and I was not by the computer so It’ took a little while to fix it plus my feed burner was already send automatic. So PLEASE when you see the 2 ss switch it to dd and it will all be okay.
Today cards it’s a bunch of Thank You card for web order. If you would like to get one in your mail box you just have to place an order on my web store and I would love to mail you one.
Stamp set is Hello Doily with Just Believe color are Pear Pizazz and Concord Crush.
Well this is it for now off to spend time with the Family. Till show time tomorrow happy stampin

Frenchie, if that's the worst mistake you ever make you're lucky. We all find that when our fingers “do the walking” they sometimes go off in the wrong direction!
a great spring time color combe; yes, the ss & dd make a difference, but, it's all in good company & you're normal!!
These are so beautiful! I want that doily bg so badly. Love these colors. hehehe I didn't even notice that in your post yesterday, but don't worry about it. Those that know, love and appreciate you understand as we've all done the same thing. And anyone that would get their knickers in a knot, don't matter. lol