Celebrate with Stampin’Up! = Free stamp and much more. Today is the beginning of Sale A Bration to view all products and stamp set that you can get for free click here. How does it work, for every $50.00 before tax and shipping of Stampin’Up! purchase you get one item FREE and no limits so 100.00 you get 2 for 150 you get 3 plus the hostess benefits on all order of 150.00 and that is not all you still get the Frequent Byer Point with Frenchie “ME” if you place your order HERE. For all the info on the Frequent Buyer Program with Frenchie check the right side of this blog or if you get this by e-mail go to www.frenchiestamps.com Plus till Saturday I have a extra drawing for a FREE color coach class by mail. All who place an order with me will be enter for a free Color Coach in the mail and every month I have the goodies of the month for drawing. The goodies of the month can be view again on the right side of my blog. Well this is lots of chance to got more freebees…. Please feel free to contact me if you have any question. FYI If you did receive a gift certificate burring the Holidays you have to e-mail me your order to redeem your gift certificate it’s NOT a button under my web store to redeem them so just e-mail me your order if you wish to use your gift certificate.
Okay today video will show you how I did the bow on this card using the fin ribbon that is available in the Sale A Bration. Ont this card I use the DSP from sale bration, and the stamp set to that is Elementary Elegance, Card stock are Riding Hood Red and Lucky Limeade. Voila you have a quick card. Come see the video to see how to make the fluffy bow. Friday I will have a video on all Sale a Bration exclusive stamp set and more so make sure to stop by and tomorrow is a dragon gfly with this lovely ribbon 🙂

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEsVToVSVMs]

Click HERE to see the sale a brationbrochure for all you can get for FREE with a 50.00 before tax and shipping