Good day my friends,
  Well yes we need many ways to hold some gift card at for this season. Well chocolate and gift card are perfect for most people! So here I just wrap a big chocolate bar and then I use the Scallop Envelop Die to make my gift card holder. Very important to know that the envelop is to small to hold the gift card but if you extend the envelop it will fit perfect. How to extend the envelop we have to to fold the DSP and start from the 3rd scallop I have a video that show how to make them with the tea/gift card holder HERE. So if you fallow the way I did the envelop you will see how easy it is to change the size to make it bigger for a gift card and then just glue your envelop to your chocolate bar and Voila you have your gift card with some sweet for that sweet one on your list. Talking about gift card I have gift certificate available or I have the wish list available for you to fill out and give pass them to your love one so this year you will have what you want for Christmas…Yes some Stamps! Well this is it for today and till tomorrow Happy Stampin!

My Christmas Wish List
Dear Santa,
Item #
Page #
Stamping is something I just love to do
So I’m making a little list for you
Pick one, two, or maybe three
Supplies and rubber stamps for me.
Clothes are nice, and toys are too:
But is going to the mall something you
want to do?
Save yourself the time
You’d spend wrapping my gift –
France will do it for you,
Just order by December 15th!
I’ve been extra special and nice this year
So I’d really like some stamping gear.
Just call France to order from my list.
I really hope you are getting the gist.
When the goodies arrive at her house for me,
She’ll wrap them up,
Pretty as can be.
All you have to do is
Slip them under the tree.
You don’t have to go anywhere;
You can just stay at home
Just contact France
By e-mail or phone.
Avoid all the traffic
France Martin
Independent Stampin’Up Demonstrator

And overpass ramps.

Just sit back, relax…
And order me STAMPS!