Hi Stamper,
   Here my 3rd edition of the Simply Scored video. Today is how to make 2 card at the same time with 3 fold.. The card I call 3 way fold, I don’t know if that’s the correct name for it but hey that’s what I call it! You will start with a full size card stock 8 1/2 by 11 and on the long way score at 2 1/4 and 5 1/2 then cut in half at 4 1/4. I bet you wonder what side is what well watch the video and you will see how quick and easy it is. Plus make sure you check the special/ give away that I have going on. Free snail leash and catalog tab starting today. Plus I have a guessing game going on check it out HERE and a chance to win a spool of ribbon, I’m having way to much fun with all the answer that you all sending me, thank you all who play so fare. 

Give away with order here the detail.
For every order on my web of $30.00 before tax and shipping you will receive a sheet of tab for your catalog to mark the section of your catalog. Way handy tab. Plus if your order is $60.00 before tax and shipping your will the get a snail leash and the tab. Yes both with 60.00 order. The best thing about the snail leach is that you clip it on your shirt and you never have to look for your snail or if you stamp with a friend you don’t have to fight you friend for your snail HA! This special go from today till Sunday Sept. 18. All order that qualified for those goodie need to be place on my web store CLICK HERE to place your order.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3qnOXXPrAI]