Hi Stamper,
Here my 3rd edition of the Simply Scored video. Today is how to make 2 card at the same time with 3 fold.. The card I call 3 way fold, I don’t know if that’s the correct name for it but hey that’s what I call it! You will start with a full size card stock 8 1/2 by 11 and on the long way score at 2 1/4 and 5 1/2 then cut in half at 4 1/4. I bet you wonder what side is what well watch the video and you will see how quick and easy it is. Plus make sure you check the special/ give away that I have going on. Free snail leash and catalog tab starting today. Plus I have a guessing game going on check it out HERE and a chance to win a spool of ribbon, I’m having way to much fun with all the answer that you all sending me, thank you all who play so fare.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3qnOXXPrAI]
Hi France,
Here's a tip I got from another demo…when using two step stamps and the stamp a ma jig, use a sheet of vellum or window sheet for all of your outline images instead of the plastic sheet that comes with the s-a-m-j. Store the vellum/window sheet with the stamp set so you have it for the next time. I usually stamp the images on each of the 4 corners of vellum as soon as I mount the stamp sets. They're now ready when I need them.
thank you so much to take the time everyday and show us diff ideas. i wait every morning to see your email thank you.
That's a great idea!
Hi France, I'm a new demo from the UK, thanks for all of the great ideas on your blog. I have learnt a lot
Sue x