And now let’s talk about this card see the band aid it’s say Get well soon, I wish it would say OUCH! see the second picture, can you tell what that is? Well yes it’s some staples in my son head. This look so much better then 2 days ago….long story short we when boating and water skiing and he got hit by the rope and needed some stitches well they put 2 staples in his head so OUCH! but he’s okay with them not to much fussing. It’s a good thing that it was not in the face. What I use is that new set call It’s a wrap Occasions page 59 I love that set to wrap little chocolate but it make cool cards to. For the other 2 band aid I use the big shot with the polka dot and square lattice embossing folder, they look so real. Card stock are: Cherry Cobbler, Black and Crumb Cake. So this is the share for this Sunday.
But I have a question for you…Do you own a touch phone/ smart phone? If so do you like it, do you have a hard time typing on that touch screen, or you want to toss it in the trash like me. I got a new phone yesterday after 3 hours at the phone store and know I regret my choice, I think I need to go back to a plain basic phone, I know I will not have the app on them and internet but I can not even type on the thing, wasted my day trying many thing and my finger are to big for the touch screen or I’m just impatient… Let me know if you have one and how you like it or dislike it. I have a week to exchange it- if it don’t toss in the toilet before that I will be in good shape. I have to say one more thing and I bet you will LOL the smart phone is not to smart he don’t understand my accent HA I try to talk to him and every time its a work with H he put some …… in the place of the words so it’s not a smart phone after all HA
How all have a great day!
i have the iphone – and {{luv}} it!!!!
Hi Frenchie!
It was so nice to meet you at convention. I hope we get to see each other again at Leadership if you are going.
Cute-cute card. Love this idea and all of your creativity. Thanks for always sharing it.
Ouch is right…..I'll be that hurt. Hope it's better now. Poor guy!!
Smart Phones….ahhhhhhhh… patient. I almost tossed mine too as I was always mistyping. Ask someone to help you learn how to swype….it's awesome. Don't give up yet….I love mine now.
Hugs my friend,
Hi, I have an iphone and an ipad. I purchased a “stylus” to use with the keypad on the ipad but I found it also works on the iphone. It has a rubberish tip on one end. They sell the stylus at Best Buy,Walmart and Target as well as the Apple store. Now I'm very happy with my iphone! Good luck.
Denise M
What a cute card! Ouch is right! Sorry can't help with the phone, I'm still using mine from the early 2000's!
Rodeo what fun! Your household is always having lots of fun at your house! Sorry to hear of your son's accident. Could have been worse and it sounds like he's a tough nut! Love the It's a Wrap set!
I'm soon considering the I Phone 4 and the I Pad. Don't give up just yet! You're pretty smart I think you should keep the smart phone!
My husband got a new smart phone and I thought he was going to chunk it in the trash. Someone at my work told me to have him download the app called Smart Keyboard and it has helped him out tremendously. Also said to check these options on your phone for easier typing: Prediction, Spell correction, Auto Correct Word and Completion. Hubbie said it was like night and day in becoming easier to use. I'm still holding tight to my Blackberry! Hopefully that will help you out!