This is a quick card but when you don’t want to color the entire stamp image this is great to just spotlight one part on the image. I use the Elements of Style and the top one is on Cherry Cobbler and the 2nd is Baja Breeze. That is it for today but check the update of the bird in the bottom of this post!
About the bird of Yesterday, the Quail win but the best or I should say most funny respond was……
{I think you should call them “Frenchie Birds”. That would be so cute – and everyone would remember the name!!
By the way, I LOVE reading your blog and seeing your videos. I tell all my friends to sign up for your blog.
Cindy Hurst
Burley, Idaho USA}
Thank you all for all your respond I love it when I get so much feed back you don’t know how much I appreciate all your support and a special Thank you to Cindy to make me laugh so much. You have a great day and the next video this Friday is a cool one a oldies but goodies……