Good Day Ladies,
After so many respond about my fleece flower broach I made a video. On this video you will have to pause and rewind a little more then normal…. I had some difficulty on this video.
It started very good and almost at the end the memory card was full so we started over and try #2 at almost the end of it my camera girl that would be my daughter got very dizzy and almost pass out…. so stop the video took care of here and she said I know how to attach to video together so let start again from where we left off…. well that was all great till the 2 video wouldn’t get attach to each other after many hours I got it but with many stop and go in the video. So here’s the choppy video but really I think you will get the ideas on how to make the flowers and at the bottom of this post I will put what I use.
For a video to work better start it and then pause it till you see it all download is done. To see if it’s all down loaded you will see the shaded red line where you see the minutes on the bottom at the way to the end of that space. You can start playing after it’s about half but really it play better if you let it go all the way. Enjoy!

What you need is some fleece, #2 circle die, Island Floral die, big shot, button, needle, thread, no sew glue (i use sobo) and a broach pin. The fleece circle that you’ll cut on the big shot you need 5 large, 6 medium, 3 small. One of the medium if the the backing.

I did the drawing for the free card from “Your Pick” and Kristi and Elin K. are the winner. Please Kristi and Elin send my your mailing address by e-mail and you will get a hand made card from Me. Thank you all who participate in this fun post. For the masculine one is the Pheasant and the feminine one is #2 and #5 and #2 was the big taker.